Open Call for Hosting ISF Events 2023 - 2028

Open Call for Hosting ISF Events 2023 - 2028

The ISF Executive Committee came to the decision regarding the final ISF sport events structure for the period of 2023 - 2028. 

ISF Members are invited to submit their applications to become the next hosts of the ISF events listed below.

ISF Sport Event Structure


The following events will be organised as multi-sport events:

  • ISF Gymnasiade - School Summer Games
  • U15 ISF Gymnasiade - World School Sport Games
  • ISF Winter Gymnasiade - School Winter Games
  • U15 ISF Gymnasiade and ISF Winter Gymnasiade will be organised during odd years
  • ISF Gymnasiade - School Summer Games will be organised during even years
Multi-Sport Events Table



The following sport will be organised as individual sport events:

  • Basketball, Cross Country, Football, Futsal, Handball, and Volleyball
  • Futsal and Handball will be organised during odd years
  • Basketball, Cross Country, Football and Volleyball will be organised during even years
  • new sports or special events will be organised in the format of world school cups upon agreement with the ISF
Individual Sport Events Table



Applications to host ISF events are assessed during each Executive Committee meeting. When an event is attributed to a member, its availability will be updated, and all members will be notified after the decision taken, regarding the attribution of events. The Executive Committee has the authority to extend the decision to attribute events until a host is successfully found through the application process.

The following documents have to be submitted to the ISF:

  • Application form - is to be filled, signed and stamped by SSE responsible person
  • ISF Sport Event Candidature dossier - submit answers according to the following documents:
  1. ISF Minimum requirements to organise ISF Events
  2. ISF Minimum Requirement - Winter Gymnasiade
  3. ISF Minimum Sport Requirements

After receiving the bidding dossier documents a confirmation email from the ISF Office will be sent to the SSE. The bidding applications to host ISF events will be submitted to EC members. In the case of more than one bid for the same ISF event, the ISF can hold an inspection visit to evaluate the bids. All costs (transportation, accommodation, and food) for a maximum of two ISF representatives are to be covered by the bidding country. If the bid does not comply with the minimum requirements it will not be taken into consideration

Bidding dossier documents

  • Application form
  • ISF Sport Event Candidature dossier