ISF She Runs - Active Girls' Lead 2022 Brussels Official Signing
Monday 13 June saw the official signing of the second edition of the ISF She Runs - Active Girls' Lead taking place in Brussels, Belgium from the 12-17 September 2022.
ISF President Laurent Petrynka met with First Alderman in charge of Climate and Sports in Brussels, Benoit Hellings, to put pen to paper as we enter the final period of preparations with less than 100 days to go.

ISF President Laurent Petrynka: "We are tremendously excited to have now entered this final stage of preparations for the next edition of She Runs. Following the great success of the inaugural event in 2019, we are proud to be taking this next step in the journey of She Runs. Thanks to the commitment of the City of Brussels, alongside the key support of the Erasmus+ Sport Programme of the European Commission and the long-term partnership of VinylPlus, we are ready to deliver this event at the heart of Europe and once again gathering the youth of the world together to experience this unique event."
This international event for young women aged 12-18 years old, will gather 3000 girls from over 35 countries to participate in sport, educational, cultural, entrepreneurial, and institutional activities. She Runs – Active Girls’ Lead aims to promote engagement in physical activity, development of leadership skills and empowerment of girl students, all through school sport, and will highlight the use of school sport as a tool for gender equality while creating and developing a network of young women leaders from schools.
The event programme will consist of five different main features:
1. The Cultural Scavenger Hunt:
500 participants will discover Brussels through a scavenger hunt combining elements and perspectives from the history of the city, of sport, and of symbolic women.
2. The Run & Village:
2500 local girl students and 500 international participants from all over the world will run together to celebrate intercultural friendship and the benefits of sport for health.
3. The Talk:
Four Sportswomen and women leaders will share their stories with the 700 young women and provide them with tools that enable them to make a difference in and through sport.
4. The Design Sprint:
40 participants will design and shape projects to promote girls’ leadership and physical activity in their local community.
5. The Conference:
200 leaders from international sport sectors, school networks, institutions, and city leaders, will attend a final conference on the role of school and sport to promote gender equality and girl’s empowerment. The participants will present to the conference the projects that were designed during the Design sprint activity of the event.
She Runs Event Page
We are proud to be organising this event in close cooperation with the City of Brussels, along with the continued support of the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Sport Programme. This second edition of She Runs – Active Girls’ Lead will also see the reinforcement of the partnership between ISF and VinylPlus, the sustainability programme of the European PVC, through its Environmental Action, created prior to the inaugural She Runs event back in 2019. As part of our long-term cooperation, ISF and Kinder joy of moving aim to further emphasise the importance of engaging youth in physical activity under the philosophy ‘joy of moving’ and is therefore joining this year’s edition of She Runs.
We invite all those looking to participate in this 2022 edition to proceed with registration through the ERAS platform, as with all ISF events. However, please note that unlike other ISF events, this registration process will only consist of two registration phases, with phase 1 open from now until 12 August, and phase 2 open from 12 August until 1 September. For further information on the event please visit the event webpage.